Friday, February 27, 2015

Totalitarian Nation Assignments

¢ NOTES:  Make sure you communicate with your team this weekend.  1 and 2 should be completed and ready to share on Monday.  You are each responsible for an assignment.  If you do not cooperate and produce for your group, I will grade you separately.  Get phone numbers and/or
World History:    Totalitarian Nation              Dr. Steinberg
¢Your team will create a power point representing a totalitarian government
¢Your Government will conduct a ‘rally’ (in class) with your followers.  The class will be your ‘citizens’ you must indoctrinate.  Your rally (10 min) must communicate a national  identity the supports the purpose of your government.  Include the elements below:
Leader, powerpoint/media specialist, researchers, art coordinator, lead presenter, Dictator
Required Elements
1.1.  State the objectives of your political party or government and how will you reach them. Include the time and place of this government. 20  (Are you trying to create national unity?  Conquer other lands?  Remove rivals?  Remove undesirable groups?
2.2.  Include the name and  motto, map, flag, and pledge of allegiance.  40
3.3.  Identify 5 Key laws that promote your objectives 20
4.Describe your Secret Police.  Name. Power.  Operations:  collecting information on opponents,  fear tactics, punishment, elimination  20
5.Write the lyrics for your national anthem 20
6.Write a leaflet with 3 short Articles about the current news (laws, events, people)  Create a Political cartoon that serves the purpose of creating a scapegoat or uses specific stereotypes 40
7.Design 2 Propaganda posters that have a clearly defined message and audience intent; use a persuasive strategy 40

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