HW tonight. You should start working on the research for you project.
Develop and write a Thesis or argument about this topic. (I will check this tomorrow)
Look at the requirements for each of the 5 slides. (I will post this outline)
Decide on what you will need to prove your thesis and how you will use the slides to provide evidence for your argument.
Divide the work accordingly.
Communicate with your team.
WWI Project Checklist!
This project requires that you develop a purpose or thesis or argument that you will
prove about your topic. You must provide evidence to support your argument.
Every project requires a 5 slide power point presentation.
Project Leader, Researcher, Media Specialist,
Each member will present 1 or more slides
This project requires that you develop a purpose or thesis or argument that you will
prove about your topic. You must provide evidence to support your argument.
Every project requires a 5 slide power point presentation.
Project Leader, Researcher, Media Specialist,
Each member will present 1 or more slides
1.Slide #1: Intro: Title, topic, My thesis/argument is___African Americans fought in world war 1 but because of racism at home did not gain equal rights. I am going to prove _____________________.
2. Preparation: Background information, Context; What was the Time and Place? “5 Ws” --- and detailed descriptions of people, events, technology, etc..
3. 5 primary sources, information, research (artwork, music), etc.
websites cited.
4. Analyze your primary source documents for the class (de-construct;meanings, symbolism, etc)
the effects or results of this subject on the war,mobilization, fighting, or treaty after WW1.
5.5. How is this topic addressed in another war? Today? How has it changed or not
ESSAY OUTLINE (for students who chose this option)
Introduction to WW1---Thesis/argument about the war.
¢1. causes of ww1; alliances, serbia, assassination of the archduke;
¢2. reasons the USA entered the war; lusitania; zimmerman telegram
¢3. Describe the effects of war on soldiers; in the trenches; quotes; families; textbook
¢4. Changes in warfare/technology; new opportunities for women; right to vote
¢5. Describe the Treaty of Paris; controversy about the Guilt clause . How did the Treaty of Versailles effect Germany and lead to WW2.
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