Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spring Break: Movie List and Movie Notes Organizer

Documentaries:    Top Documentaries or Documentary Heaven or Netflix
Goebbels Experiment
the Cross and the Star
Paper Clips
Drama:  Please watch a movie that you have NOT seen!!    Do not read other reviews and plagiarize.  

Schindlers List
The Grey Zone
“Europa Europa”
The Last Train
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
“Sophies Choice”
Life is Beautiful
The Pianist
The Diary of Anne Frank
Spring 1941
Sarah’s Key
Good Evening Mr. Wallenberg

First, Take
Notes about the story only.  Divide it into
5-6 ‘episodes’ with Titles.
1.Purpose  What 3 central questions is the film trying to answer? What does the filmmaker want people to know or remember?
2.Interpretations  How might others see this film in a way that differs from the way I see it? How and why might different types of people interpret this film in divergent ways?    What is my reaction to this film and what do I learn about myself from my reaction or interpretation?
3.Credibility   What of the film are facts and which might be opinions?  How do you know?  What part might be considered ‘propaganda’?  Explain.
4.Who might benefit from the messages in this film? What have I learned from this film? Why might the film's message(s) matter to me?
5.Response   Where are there genocides or refugees from wars in the world today?  Why?
Messages & Meanings  What have I learned from this film about WW2 and the Holocaust ?  
List 5-6 things you learned that are important….  
NOW, Write your Movie Review!  Use the Outline of for Movie Review to Write your Movie Review.  You may not use any existing movie review as a resource. If you do, your review will not be accepted. 

Spring Break Homework: Movie, Movie Notes, Movie Review

1. Opening: Catch the Reader's Attention
Think about how advertisements sell movies: "trailers" show you a few seconds of the movie to get you interested. Don't explain why you liked it or didn't like it; make the reader like or not like the movie by what you describe. Begin your review by retelling an incident or moment from the movie which you think captures the spirit of the movie as you understood it.
¢2. Second Paragraph: Take Care of Business
Near the beginning of the review, you have to tell the reader--the title of the movie, the director,  the main actors, the year it was made (if you watched it on video), the rating. Also, in one sentence or two, you should explain very simply what the movie is all about--not necessarily what happens, but that might work, too, if you can say it in one two sentences.
¢3. Third Paragraph: Character and plot summary
What happens in the movie? You shouldn't tell everything that happens--and especially not the ending. But you want to summarize the basic plot of the movie, in more detail than you do in the paragraph above.
¢And…write a sentence about each main character, what they do in the plot.
¢4. Fourth Paragraph: A Key Moment or Idea
Go into detail about something important that interested you about the movie. Or write more about one character who was really intriguing. Or retell another big moment from the movie and explain why it is important. If you think the "idea" or theme behind a movie was really interesting, explain that idea and talk about it a little bit. In this paragraph, you must go into depth about the movie.
¢5. Fifth Paragraph: Evaluate the Movie
Do you recommend it or not? Who will like it (kids or adults)? The most important thing here is that you must also explain why you are making your recommendation.
¢You must justify your opinion--and that opinion should grow out of what you write in the rest of the review. Give at least two reasons why you liked or didn't like the movie.
¢How does the film dramatize the subject of migration?
Does the film portray migration in positive terms, as an opportunity for economic mobility or greater freedom, or in more negative terms?
What other themes in US History does the movie suggest or emphasize?  Give an example.
Does the film's portrayal of immigration seem accurate and realistic?
Is the immigrant depicted as odd and eccentric or as threatening?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Timeline for completing Museum project

1. You must have a Thesis or argument about this stage of the Holocaust/Slippery Slope and the events that took place.  THESIS:  Argument: 

You must ‘curate’ miniumum of  4 rooms; including descriptions, signs, information.
¢Include the words, picture, or video from an interview/diary with a Holocaust survivor who talks about this event.
1.3/23 MONDAY:  Room 1:  Thesis Overview of this STAGE of the Holocaust
23/24, 3/25 Tues, Weds ROOM 2-4:  Significant People or events; Defining new vocabulary in context
3/26  Revise Presentation; add all pictures
use captions and explanations 
3/27  Load project on classroom computer;  NO LATE WORK 
5.Personal, Significant Quotations or Diary Quotations 
¢ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (online exhibits)
¢Yad Vashem
¢Library of Congress
¢Museum of Tolerance and Wiesenthal Center
¢Facing History, Facing Ourselves
¢5. Create an advertisement to stop or interfere with this event
¢ Create an ad to stop or interfere with discrimination or genocide today.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Research for you Virtual Museum, research links, virtual museum link. DUE: 3/27 Fri.

1. You must have a Thesis or argument about this stage of the Holocaust/Slippery Slope and the events that took place.  (A Thesis is an Argument that you will prove with evidence.)
2. KWHL:  a. What do we Know; b. What you want to know. How will you find out?   Question that can lead to a Thesis.
Find 5 relevant articles on this topic.  Read, highlight,  and write 3 questions for the reader.   
Bullet point, highlight or List information that contributes to your investigation of your topic. 

  1. ¢ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (online exhibits)
  2. ¢Yad Vashem
  3. ¢MTV:  I Am Still Here; movie and instructional material; primary sources
  4. ¢Library of Congress
  5. ¢Museum of Tolerance and Wiesenthal Center
  6. ¢Facing History, Facing Ourselves \

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

US during WW2: Pearl Harbor, Isolation, Japanese Internment Camps

¢Re-read p. 545  Compare the Zimmerman letter with Pearl Harbor.
¢Read p. 560  Describe the preparations for war in the US.  Explain the racial tensions that ensued.

Google Japanese Internment:  Define Internment
Describe the internment through 5 w's.  Who, what when where why?
Answer picturing History.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Survivors Tell Their Stories; textbook DBQ

Read each Source on pages 566-57
For each source, select 5 key words, then write a 3 sentence summary.
For each source, select a quote that best describes the tragic situation.

Answer the DBQ, Historical Analysis, questions on p. 567  1,2,3

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Stages of the Holocaust

¢Complete CW:  Read and bullet point the events that led to Kristallnacht
  • ¢The Assassination
  • ¢The Revenge, the Violence Begins….
  • ¢The Orders
  • ¢The Results
  • ¢Changes after Kristallnacht 
Using your knowledge of Nazi Education, indoctrination, control of the news, and secret police; what can you infer about the behavior of the common German citizen and the SS? 
HW:  554-56   Complete yesterday's assignment and include Death Camps and  Death Toll on 555
 Review pages 479-485 and 551-556
Write Events and Dates which are examples of the STages of the Holocaust (see Sheet)
Write small so you can include other examples.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Genocide: The Slippery Slope Downward

HW: Reading. 552-557 : The New Order and the Holocaust
When Germany took over territory, why did people choose to collaborate with the Nazis?
Read each section
  • 1.describe what happened,
  • 3.include important vocabulary,
  • 4.who was effected and how?  Isolation?  Ghettoization?  Murder?
1.1.Voices from the Past
2.2. resettlement
3.3. slave labor
4.3 The Holocaust; genocide;
5.4.  Einsatgruppen and the SS

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Totalitarianism in Japan

HW:  Read p.539 Japan at War:  Where did Japan attack?  What were their goals?
¢Read 544-45  Japan attacks Pearl Harbor;  Describe the secret attack.
¢What was the result of the attack.  
 Answer the Reading Check

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Classwork Weds-Fri. AND: Your Next Project Assignment: Propaganda Posters

Wednesday:  Germany’s Path…to War ;
¢P. 542 Hitlers Early Victories:  List countries as a FLOW MAP
Explain appeasement, isolationism, neutrality. Why did the US denounce Germany but do nothing? How did this encourage Hitler?
Why did the US have this policy of isolationism? 
Thursday:  542  Read Voices from the PAST: 
¢What national commandment did Hitler give to the people?
¢What alternatives were there for people who opposed him?
¢Read 542-3:  Describe the result of each Battle
¢Battle of Britain
¢Attack on Soviet Union 
Complete Say Mean Matter on Totalitarian Governments.  Which issues have you addressed in your presentation?  How can you use this work to complement your presentation on Monday? 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Next Steps on your project! Call and email to discuss.

Complete all previous elements on the directions.  Last night was Laws and Secret Police.

Tonight your group should complete: 
      Lyrics for national anthem.  Include lyrics about your leader, nation, objectives, power, future, etc.
     Newspaper: Headlines, 3 articles about national news, political cartoon against your internal or external enemies.  Each of you write an article, and/or the cartoon.

Divide up the work.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Finish CW on Nazi Laws; Create your own Laws; Describe your Secret Police

The Reich Citizenship Law, 1935
¢Article 1
A German subject is one who is a member of the protective union of the German Reich and is bound to it by special obligations. . . .
¢Section 2
1. A Reich citizen is that subject who is of German or related blood only and who through his behavior demonstrates that he is ready and able to serve faithfully the German people and Reich.
2. The right to citizenship of the Reich is acquired by the grant of citizenship papers.
3. A citizen of the Reich is the sole bearer of full political rights as provided by the law.
Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor
¢Firm in the knowledge that the purity of German blood is the basis for the survival of the German people and inspired by the unshakeable determination to safeguard the future of the German nation.
¢Section 1
Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or some related blood are forbidden.
Such marriages contracted despite the law are invalid
¢Section 2
Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden.
¢Section 3
Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or related blood who are under 45 years as housekeepers.
¢Section 4
1. Jews are forbidden to raise the national flag or display the national colors.
2. However, they are allowed to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.
¢Section 5
1. Anyone who disregards Section 1 or 2 is liable to penal servitude.
2.  Anyone who disregards the provisions of Sections 3 or 4 will be punished with imprisonment up to one year or with a fine, or with one of these penalties.
¢Note:  A convert to Judaism would be persecuted as well.  If you looked Jewish or acted Jewish, you were Jewish.  You were a ‘race traitor’.
The Nazi Party Platform
Read each section;  2 groups (protection and citizenship).  Rank from Totalitarian and  Tolerable; 1-10
¢Who could be a member? Who could not belong? What ethnic groups, religions, nationalities, race would be excluded?
¢What can you infer from the laws?  (What is the philosophy and  intention of the Nazi Party) Give examples