Friday, January 30, 2015

HW; Project CHoice; WW I Test on Tuesday (all posted here!)

¢1.  Read P. 450  Paris Peace Conference
¢What were the French conditions for a peace treaty? G
2.  Read Opposing Views:  What country was blamed in this treaty? Q.1
Should alliances have been to blame as well?
¢Read 451: The Treaty of Versailles’:  War Guilt Clause blamed Germany
Summarize the 5 conditions of the treaty:
Why didn’t the German’s like the Treaty?   
Complete:  geography skills p. 452 
PROECT CHOICE: Choose 1 or 2 ideas for a WW1 Project.  You may choose a partner in class. 
  1. In depth analysis of zeppelins and tanks; GAS AND TRENCH warfare:  types of, effects of gases; ; Is poison gas FAIR in warfare?  Is it a ‘war crime’ today? Drones Today/Modern War.
  2. 2.Analysis of diaries of 3 soldiers; Was it the worst war for soldiers…ever?  FOCUS ON life in battle, letters home, illustrate 5 quotes you use in ppt;  use 5-6 Great photos from the western front;
  3. 3.African Americans in World War 1; did they gain equal rights after the war?  Why or why not?  Then and Now.
  4. 4.Written Analysis of 6 War Posters; compare and contrast images and messages; Propaganda Posters; analysis; Mobilizing citizens for War:  Soldiers, Nurses, Workers, persuasive publicity .  Then and Now
  5. 5.Songs from World War 1;  select, play, analyze/categorie;  lyrics; bring the music; Then and now. (One Republic, “Citizen Soldier”; Eminem — Mosh
    R.A. The Rugged Man — Uncommon Valor  Immortal Technique — Bin Laden Lowkey — Terrorist
    Lowkey feat Logic — Relatives;  Rise Against-Hero of War;
  6. 6.Women in the War; nursing or working on the home front; Compare and analyze recruiting and war posters  
  7. 7.Protesters against WWI.  Read why people were against this war.  Listen to speeches.  Write your Own speech against war. Helen Keller, “Strike Against War” (January 5, 1916)
  8. 8.Stories from the Lusitania:  Facts and Fiction; 
  9. Zimmerman Telegram:    Decoding a message; How was this decoded? Who decoded it? What did it say
  10.  PTSD treatment World War I; treatment today after Iraq and Afghanistan
  11. 10.Biography of Sergeant York
    You will research the life of Sgt. Alvin York, one of America’s heroes. They will create a collection of three journals from different parts of his life.
    1. Explain what heroic actions he performed?
    2. Name 6 events in his life before and after the war (3 before 3 after)
  12. 11.SELECTIVE SERVICE/DRAFT:  The draft in WW1; resistance to the draft; Vietnam; the Volunteer Army today.
  13. 12.Espionage Act of 1917; spying; interfering with the draft; or the war;   
  14. SEDITION ACT of 1918-- No criticism of the government or war;  NSA or National Security Administration 
 TEST On Tuesday:  Posted Below
Test :World War One—SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW!  100
1.Dates of WW1:  Start, Lusitania, Zimmerman, US entry, Treaty of Paris
3.propaganda J
4.trench warfare
8.Causes of WW1
9.List 2 Central Powers-Germany and Austri v. List 3 Allied Powers –Russia, Serbia, England, France, and USA
10.Assassination of the Archduke of Austria
11.Black Hand gang; Serbia
12.Was the assassination or the archduke JUST WAR?  Cite the appropriate theory
14.Zimmerman Telegram
15.Over There
16.Was the USA entering the war JUST WAR?  Cite the appropriate theory
17.Battle of the Marne
18.List the 5 Conditions of the Versailles Treaty, 
19.Who was blamed for the war?  Why?
20.Was the Treaty of Versailles fair to   
Germany?   Explain.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Primary Sources reveal the Real War. Read/use internet for research

Finish CW:   p. 454 Read Source 1, 2, 3. . What is the theme of each source?  What is the message the author wants to communicate?  What narrative or specific discriptions are ‘evidence’ for this message? 
If you were to write a slogan or motto for pro or anti war/war poster based on this writing, what would it be?  
HW:  Make an argument that this is a universal (-------explain------?) theme by googling letters from soldiers and comparing their writing.  It may be 100 years apart but very similar.   
  • Go to AMERICAN EXPERIENCE:  War Letters (featured letters)   
  • Find 3 letters/quotes which mirror this theme..

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

the Yanks are Coming.....

¢REad.   Last year of WW1 p. 448 
How did the war change in 1917?  (3)
¢Read Voices of the Past; list 5 key words as an eyewitness described TANK warfare. 
Who are the Yanks? Find out where this name originated.
What was the significance of the Battle of Marne???
¢Describe and date the entry of the USA into the war.  How many troops arrived?  What was the result?
¢Define:  abdicate, Armistice, reparations,,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Understanding the Zimmerman Telegram

¢Read and takes notes on the Zimmerman Telegram and the notes below.  Then answer the
THE ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM:  To the  Minister to Mexico
¢Berlin,  Germany. January 19, 1917
¢On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted.  In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavour to keep neutral the United States of America.
¢If this attempt is not successful, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace.  We shall give general financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.  The details are left to you for settlement...
¢You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate with Japan suggesting adherence at once to this plan; at the same time, offer to mediate between Germany and Japan.
¢Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to compel England to make peace in a few months.
¢Zimmermann   (Secretary of State) 
¢NOTES:  It was decoded by the British.
  • ¢This document was disclosed to the American public on February 28th 1917.  The note had a profound psychological effect.  It hardened the peace-loving American people to the conviction that war with Germany was an absolutely necessary step.
  • ¢It revealed that Germany had no intention whatever of limiting her U-boat warfare so as to placate them.
  • ¢Americans knew that surely the Great War had come to them at last….
  • ¢the Zimmermann note today is seen as folly and futility.  Mexico knew well that no German ship, no aid in men or in munitions, could possibly reach her.  She delighted much in annoying the United States; but what chance was there that she would deliberately invite destruction by declaring war on the USA  to oblige Germany?
Create your own notes from the above documents and notes; outline or bullet points (not sentences)
¢1.  What was the intention of the Telegram?
¢2.  Describe the German proposal.
¢3.  What rewards would there be for Mexico by accepting this plan?
¢4.  In what 3  ways did it ‘backfire’ on Germany?
¢5.  Based upon the news of the Zimmerman Telegram, design a recruiting poster or a poster supporting going to war.
¢6.  Would the USA have remained neutral if the Zimmerman Telegram was not revealed?  Why or why not?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Complete work sheet on President Wilson's speeches.

Finish answering the questions about the speeches.
Read Document 3 and answer the questions from the article by Howard Zinn about the Lusitania.

When you answer, be specific.  Give reasons, don't copy text.

Do a great job.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Life in the trenches; Propaganda in the US and other countries.

Read 438, the Focus on Everyday Life

lDescribe the horror of the trenches according to one British writer. What are the common elements in each of the 4 pictures?

lp. 438-9 q. 1-2

lWhat personal traits (characteristics) would help you survive?
Interpret Primary Source Document
Websites:  Your choice.
  1. Go to: Learn NC)
  2.  World War 1 recruitment posters
  3. Library of Congress World War 1 posters 
  4. German War posters
  5. French
  6. Austrian

Look at all 10 American war propaganda and recruiting posters.  Read the descriptions.  List/Rank order your top3.

Analysis:  For your favorite poster Describe what you see; identify the symbolism; Is this propaganda? Facts or emotions?  What emotions? Explain.
Print out your favorite poster with your Analysis

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

HW for Wednesday; and Thursday

¢HW Wednesday
WWI saw the first use of ‘mustard’ gas (which would damage your lungs and kill you. Is it ok to use poison gas in warfare…why or why not. Are there 'rules' of war that countries abide by?
432-3 Read the THE GREAT SLAUGHTER:  Tactics of Trench Warfare
  1. ¢What were the strategies in the trench?
  2. ¢What was the ‘great slaughter’?
  3. ¢What is attrition?  A war of Attrition?
  4. ¢How did new technology change warfare?  How did it increase the killing?  
  5. What THEMES in History are addressed in this section?
¢HW:  Thursday
¢Complete Geography Skills on 434
¢Read 435  The Home Front on
  1. lDescribe: total war
  2. lList 5 ways governments expanded their powers?
  3. ¢436-7  How was Public Opinion controlled?  5. 
  4. Describe the roles of women in the war.

  •    5. What were the benefits for women during and after the war?

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    HW:  Read the last paragraph on 427 through page 428-----did the Germans have another reason to sink the Lusitania? Why did it sink so fast?  What is the theory and fact?
    ¢What was found inside the ship?  How do we know?  Why do you think the English would put weapons   Of war inside a passenger ship?

    Interpret the poster on 429
    Persuasive, emotional= propaganda
    ¢What do you see?  What do you feel?  What images are emotional? How does this persuade you to go or not go to war? Who does the word ENLIST  appeal to?
    inside a passenger ship?!

    Friday, January 16, 2015

    THe War Grows...the Lusitania Sinks!

    ¢p. 424-25 Make A FLOW MAP/Notes Describing the sequence of events in 1914

    ¢Serbia’s goal=maintain independence from Austria


    ¢Describe the Austrian Response

    ¢Describe The Russia response: 

    ¢How did the Conflict broaden or grow?  (England, France, Italy, Belgium) 
    The Lusitania Goes Down!!!!!!!  With Americans Aboard!
    ¢As you Read….426-27
    2.Look at Picture, describe the Lusitania;
    3.Describe  What Happened on May 7, 1915; Describe the Lusitania. Who attacked?  Why? How?
    4.What were the immediate results? 
    5.What was the American response?  What were the headlines? P. 427

    Thursday, January 15, 2015

    Just War Theory: Rules for Reasons to Fight

    Rank order the Principles of Just War in order of importance….1. best reason to go to war…..8. worst reason to go to war.  Write in your notebook so you have this as a reference for a future
    essay on World War 1 and then WW2.

    Explain why you have chosen the most important rules for going to war.
    Explain why the bottom three are less important.

    Come to class ready to defend your position.
    ¢A just war can only be waged as a last resort (option) All non-violent options must be exhausted before the use of force can be justified.
    ¢A war is just only if it is waged by a legitimate authority.(such as the government)  Even just causes cannot be served by actions taken by individuals or groups who do not constitute an authority or country.
    ¢A just war can only be fought to redress a wrong suffered. For example, self-defense against an armed attack is always considered to be a just cause (although the justice of the cause is not sufficient--see point #4). Further, a just war can only be fought with "right" intentions: the only permissible objective of a just war is to redress the injury.
    ¢A war can only be just if it is fought with a reasonable chance of success. Deaths and injury incurred in a hopeless cause are not morally justifiable.
    ¢The ultimate goal of a just war is to re-establish peace. More specifically, the peace established after the war must be preferable to the peace that would have prevailed if the war had not been fought.
    ¢The violence used in the war must be proportional to the injury suffered. States are prohibited from using force not necessary to attain the limited objective of addressing the injury suffered.
    ¢The weapons used in war must discriminate between combatants and non-combatants. Civilians are never permissible targets of war, and every effort must be taken to avoid killing civilians. The deaths of civilians are justified only if they are unavoidable victims of a deliberate attack on a military target. (37 million combatants died; 7 million civilians died
    ¢Free others from inequality, slavery, injustice.  To Create Independence.

    Wednesday, January 14, 2015

    WW1: CW and HW.

    CW:Describe the picture of the assassination. Who? When?  Where?
    ¢P.  423 geo skills; look at map; answer 2
    ¢Read  Voices of the Past:  Add to your description of the assassination
    ¢Why did this lead to war?  What alliances became involved? Who was in each alliance? 
    HW:  WHY  did this assassination happen?  How did it lead to world war One? 422-23
    What was the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?
    ¢Define:  Alliances; Militarism, “Conscription”, mobilization,

    Tuesday, January 13, 2015

    Intro to World War 1: The Deadliest War

    Welcome:  Introduction to World War I  p. 417 
    lList 8 details in the painting of the battle
    lDescribe what you think the fighting in WWI was like…. 
    Identify the beginning and end dates for WWI
    CW:  Now read page 420.  What did soldiers say about the battles?  Choose 2 Quotes; how does each support your observations in the painting?

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Freedom of the Press; 12 political cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo murdered

    CAUTION:  Do not use any inappropriate cartoons in your analysis of images. (nudity, etc).

     Go to a website of your choice or:


    Read about the Charlie Hebdo attack by Al Qaeda.  
    Summarize in your own words.
    What was the motivation for the attack?
    Who was killed?  Why?  For what reasons?

    Choose 1 political cartoons from Charlie Hebdo.  (not any that are sexually suggestive)
    CHoose 1 political cartoon from

    Use the analysis organizer below to interpret
    the cartoon. 
    Optional:  Were the Political Cartoons offensive or insulting?  Is this Freedom of Speech or Hate Speech?