Friday, October 10, 2014

HW: p. 210 The Bastille and p. 212 added:

¢Read p. 210 The Fall of the Bastille-1789
¢What was the purpose of the attack?  Why do you think Launay was decapitated? King Louis thought is was a revolt….what was he told?  What is the difference between revolt and revolution?
¢Read Why it Matters:  What was the slogan of the French revolution?  Explain the meaning of each word…
¢Was the Bastille stormed to set prisoners free because it was a symbol of oppression and injustice, or as the first step to overthrow the French Monarchy.
HW:  Respond to Reading Connection
¢P. 212 Voices:  choose 5 action words in the Times article that describe the events in Paris after the Bastille. 
p. 213 REad carefully, explain the chart, and complete Graph SKills

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